Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

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Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Denys » 29 Mai 2013, 08:49

Quand je n'ai pas le moral et que les commentaires du figaro.fr ne suffisent pas à me convaincre que l'espèce humaine est vouée à la disparition, je consulte les photos publiées par Sakaguchi sur Facebook et tout va mieux. Voici une sélection de commentaires représentatifs.

Au travail, Hironobu !
Will : Yes, you must get back to developing The Last Story 2.
Will : Alright! Time to get back to writing The Last Story 2! Love you Hironobu Sakaguchi.
Rival : come on Sakaguchi Sama instead of posting pix of ur trips around the world and ur favourite post news confirming you working on The Last Story 2 exclusive to Wii U. please
Marco : Forgive me, Sakaguchi-San, but... are you still working? Or are you just traveling the world ?
Douglas : Hinoburo Blue Dragon 2 for Wiiu PLZ!!
Maroš : dont get me wrong sir, but you leave something for something and then something for something ..thats really nice but what about games? Is Mistwalker working on a game right now? I think a lot of fans would appreciate this kind of info thank you
Senjutsu : Wow, love this photo. Nice work Sakaguchi-san. Please hurry up and release another big Console RPG. Loved Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.

Reprends FF en main svp
Danny : Or go help Square-Enix get the Final Fantasy franchise back on track!
Christopher : can you guys make ff like the old ones? the new ones really aren't worthy to be called final fantasy... please go back on the original game...
Marchese : [à propos de The Last Story] This is legend. FFXIII-2 sucks
Fredzer : You are going back to save SE !!
Jonathan : Can I be rude and ask are these personal or business trips? If business, any chance you're going there to kick Square Enix up the arse?
Irwan : awesome beach, btw when are you going to come back to Square Enix for Final Fantasy XVI ? I want the orthodox turn based battle system back
Frince : Plss return to square enix and make the final fantasies better
Cloud : Sakaguchi comeback with ff8 remake pls
Itay : the fans need you on ffvii remake

C'était mieux avant
Omar : Hironobu Skaguchi+Nobuo Uematsu+Yoshitaka Amano. I wish they work together once again..
Omid : SquareSoft ( squreEnix ) is Garbage without Sakaghuchi
Mehdi : it was better before
Ewelina : FF without Sakaguchi-Sama ist not a true Final Fantasy! And omg I want this kyahh! XD
Luke : With the unveil of the new Final Fantasy, I am yet again disappointed to see that they move further away from what once was "Final Fantasy" Please Hironobu and Nobuo , release another turn based master piece like the ones you made before and slake my thirst (and many others) that Square Enix no longer does.
Simon : I wish that someday you will make another big JRPG game & not just a mobile game Mr Sakaguchi. Even if it's in a retro 16-32 bit style.

Viens à la maison
Robert : ome in south of France at Amélie les bains to see our meal history and convention of science-fiction fantastic and steampunk !
Robert : Nice ! We are to make a special Back to the future for the ASFA convention 2014 at Amélie les bains ...If we manage to gather enough money for our guests
Robert : If you Have time come in France
Eduardo : Wow can I travel with you someday? Sick landscape.
Antonio : Mr. Hironobu Sakaguchi if you come in Rome I will gladly offer you dinner in my restaurant where you can have nero di seppia and many more seafood dishes!! It would be great!!
Kenny : if u are in belgium i buy u a drink the least i can do for u u made the best game ff7

Cool story bro
Erik : im in tokyo right now
Julian : Hoooyooo ^o^ sugoi na. =3= i still remember when i ever had a dream. in that dream i had a mecha. I riding it all over the wide beautiful world. Meet with new friends and fight another rival in an arena. That mecha in my dream was nearly similar to that one. Oh wew ^^ it was 6 years ago if i am not wrong.
Alvin : Theres a full moon tonight where I live
Xavier : I LOVE Squall's necklace and ring.
Cédric : Departing holidays inSicily, back to North of France... Enjoy

Arf c FF
Natan : Its like Prima vista fly on Alexandria Sky
Martín : VII...
Francisco : It's like a space of infinity; remember's me some places where Yuna makes the sendings. Looks very mystical.
Joshua : That image reminds me of the Forgotten Continent from Final Fantasy IX... not far from Olievert
Evan : morning to you too, sir. this cloud's view remind me with cloud strife ^^
Sutarno : reminds me Final Fantasy VI... one of the best RPG u make...
Goze : It reminds me Balamb Garden University.
Elodie : Magnifique photos!!! Comme dans F.F. IX avec le vaisseau l'Invincible et son oeil rouge! Ciel rouge! :,)

Conseils culinaires
Olivier : très bon choix, je vous conseil aussi le saucisson d'âne
Simon : A very modest meal for such a giant of the gaming world. smile emoticon

Le topic du bonjour
Eduardo : Good morning from Chile!
Jeffrey : Gutentag
Marco : Buongiorno!
Rynhard : Ohayou gozaimasu Sakaguchi-san!

OMG tu as mangé une pomme
Rose : I've never seen a Japanese boy with long hair before. That's awesome.

Ne dis qu'une parole et je serai béni
Marchese : when our God will be ready we will have our new legend

Wahou, je ne sens plus mon corps !
Jade : Amazing !!! I wish i can fly !!
Julian : and we must be grateful of endings; eternity is terrifying. yet if our consciousnes is in some way unending, we will always be able to find happiness.
Sebastián : I can feel a very strong energy of life on that photo. Feel like I am exploring new horizonts... It feels like Final Fantasy. Thank you Hironobu Sakaguchi, for being the father creator of Final Fantasy.
Julian : More of Skip. Sugoi. I want to touch Skip
Goze : When I see this, I don't know why, I want to sing with a soprano voice...

Chema : You're Japanese, you have to think about creating video games in Japanese consoles not American. Blue Dragon 2 and Lost oddysey 2 not on Xbox One.
Simon : Hironobu you should get together with Hideo Kojima and Shinji Mikami to make a game. grin emoticon
Mohd : Please make RPG games for PC and release it on Steam. You ll get a lot of money. Forget consoles.

Notice me, sempai!
于 : 16 years in the past, every time I see the sea and the beach I always remember your FFVIII. now I am still looking for the PC version of Europe, there are more than 8, my goal is to find all the countries and regions of the FFVIII. Your majesty! You are my forever idol:)
Martin : What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" : colonthree emoticon

watashi wa nihongo wo hanashimasu www
Kiyousigu : oishiso

envoie-moi ton numéro
M : We're coming tomorrow ! Hoping to share a drink someday with Sakaguchi sama grin emoticon
Mohammed : What is his snapchat name ?

FF Joke
Mark : Summon Leviathan to eat the sharks..
Kelly : Thundaga before going surfing!!

Bravo pour FFXII !
João : I see where you got inspiration for ffxv xP
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Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2011, 02:15

Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Jérémie » 29 Mai 2013, 13:49

Je dois avouer que lol, surtout ceux qui croient que c'est à eux de dire à Sakaguchi ce qu'il doit faire de sa vie. Pauvres types.
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Denys » 26 Oct 2013, 17:06

J'en ai ajouté quelques-uns, pour le plaisir !
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Jonah » 26 Oct 2013, 17:58

Attention, ça devient presque poétik
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Denys » 24 Fév 2014, 21:43

Je manquais d'énergie alors je suis venu relire ce sujet. Longue vie aux fans de FF quand c'était mieux !
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Denys » 13 Avr 2014, 18:50

Hop, pop corn :

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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Jonah » 13 Avr 2014, 22:18

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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Olivier » 14 Avr 2014, 13:36

bonjour you make final fantasy 16 for PS4 pls sakagushi-san
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Denys » 14 Avr 2014, 13:57

no!!! i pray you do the last odyssei for ps4 please i like the surf game but not good like FF7
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Re: Les plus beaux messages de fans à Sakaguchi

Messagepar Olivier » 15 Avr 2014, 10:38

Hironobu Sakaguchi

Michael Lord : Ca va?
Lisbeth Salamander : Why are you in Paris Sakaguchi-san ? I would like to see you ! >_<
Anyway, profitez bien de votre séjour en France :)
Kévin Nedelec : Venez à Toulouse, la ville rose. :)
Mickael Mickangoku : you go to the limoge
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Messages: 248
Inscrit le: 10 Mai 2011, 13:30

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